#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Name: recruiter.cgi # # Version: 1.0 # # Last Modified: 12-01-97 # # Description: This recruiter script allows users to dynamically # manipulate an HTML file by adding their own entries to the # document. # # Installation: See recruiter.setup ####################################################################### # Print Out the HTTP Header . # ####################################################################### # First, print out the HTTP header. We'll output this quickly so that we # will be able to do some of our debugging from the web and so that in # the case of a bogged down server, we won't get timed-out. print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; ####################################################################### # Require Libraries and Parse Form Data # ####################################################################### # First, get the customized information contained in the setup file. Then # Use cgi-lib.pl to read the incoming form data. However, send form_data # as a parameter to the subroutine &ReadParse in cgi-lib.pl so that the # associative array of form keys/values comes back with a descriptinve # name rather than just $in. Also require the library which we will use # to send out mail using sendmail require "./recruiter.setup"; require "$cgi_lib_location"; &ReadParse(*form_data); require "$mail_lib_location"; ####################################################################### # Create Add Form # ####################################################################### # Now determine what the client wants. If $form_data{'action'} eq "add" # (client clicked on a button somewhere) or (||) $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} # eq "post" (client is accessing this script for the first time as a # link, not as a submit button) then it means that the client is asking # to see the form to "add" an item to the recruiter guestbook. if ($form_data{'action'} eq "add" || $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET") { # Print out the form's header print <<" end_of_html"; Recruiter Guestbook (Add Form)

Add to my Guestbook

Please fill in the blanks below to add to my guestbook. The only blanks that you have to fill in are the comments and name section. Thanks!

end_of_html # Utilize the routine in the subroutine output_add_form at the end of # this form to actually print out the form. Then quit and let the user # submit their data. &output_add_form; exit; } ####################################################################### # Get the Date # ####################################################################### # Use the get_date subroutine at the end of this script to get the # current date and time so that we can use it in our output. $date = &get_date; ####################################################################### # Modify Incomming Form Data # ####################################################################### # Now check to see if we were asked to censor any particular words. # First, create an array of form variables by accessing the "keys" of the # associative array %form_data given to us by cgi-lib.pl. @form_variables = keys (%form_data); # For every variable sent to us from the form, and for each word in our # list of bad words, replace (=~ s/) any occurance, case insensitively # (/gi) of the bad word ($word) with the word censored. # $form_data{$variable} should be equal to what the client filled in in # the input boxes... # # Further, if the admin has set allow_html to 0, (!= 1) it means that she # does not want the users to be able to use HTML tags...so, delete them. foreach $variable (@form_variables) { foreach $word (@bad_words) { $form_data{$variable} =~ s/\b$word\b/censored/gi; } if ($allow_html != 1) { $form_data{$variable} =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g; } } ####################################################################### # Check Required Fields for Data # ####################################################################### # For every field that was defined in our list of required fields, check # the form data to see if that variable has an empty value. If so, jump to # missing_required_field_data which is a subroutine at the end of this # script passing as a parameter, the name of the field which was not filled # out. foreach $field (@required_fields) { if ($form_data{$field} eq "" ) { &missing_required_field_data($field); } } ####################################################################### # Edit the Guestbook File # ####################################################################### # First open the guestbook html file. Then, read each of the lines in # the guestbook file into an array called @LINES Then close the # guestbook file. Finally, set the variable $SIZE equal to the number of # elements in the array (which is conveniently, the same number of lines in # the guestbook file) open (FILE,"$recruiterreal") || die "Can't Open $recruiterreal: $!\n"; @LINES=; close(FILE); $SIZE=@LINES; # Now open up the recruiter file again, but this time open it for # writing...in fact we will overwrite the existing guestbook file with new # data (>) open (RECRUITER,">$recruiterreal") || die "Can't Open $recruiterreal: $!\n"; # Now we are going to go through our @LINES array adding lines "back" to # out guestbook file one by one, inserting the new entry along the way. # For every line in the guestbook file (remember that $SIZE = number of # lines) we'll assign the value of the line ($LINES[$i]) to the variable $_ # We'll start with the first line in the array ($i=0) and we'll end when # we have gone through all of the lines ($i<=$SIZE) counting by one ($i++). # We reference the array in the standard form $arrayname[$element_number] for ($i=0;$i<=$SIZE;$i++) { $_=$LINES[$i]; # Now, if the line hapens to be we know that we are going to # need to add a new entry. BTW, it is essential that your recruiter.html # have that line, all on its own somewhere in the body when you initialize # your guestbook. if (//) { # Let's add the entry. First print again so that we will be # able to find the top of the guestbook again the next time. print RECRUITER "\n"; # Then begin adding the recruiter's information. First, let's print the Name # of the recruiter. However, if the recruiter left a URL, let's make their name # clickable top their URL. If the recruiter did not submit a URL, just print # the name. if ($form_data{'url'}) { print RECRUITER "Name:"; print RECRUITER "$form_data{'realname'}"; print RECRUITER "
\n"; } else { print RECRUITER "Name: $form_data{'realname'}
\n"; } # Now print the email of the recruiter...and, if the admin has set the # $linkmail tag to one in the setup file, then make the email link clickable. if ( $form_data{'email'} ) { if ($linkmail eq '1') { print RECRUITER "Email:"; print RECRUITER ""; print RECRUITER "$form_data{'email'}
\n"; } else { print RECRUITER " $form_data{'email'}
\n"; } } # Now print out the recruiter's company if they submitted the values. if ( $form_data{'company'} ) { print RECRUITER "Company: $form_data{'company'},"; } # Now print out the recruiter's address if they submitted the values. if ( $form_data{'city'} ) { print RECRUITER "Location: $form_data{'city'},"; } if ( $form_data{'state'} ) { print RECRUITER " $form_data{'state'}"; } if ( $form_data{'country'} ) { print RECRUITER " $form_data{'country'}
\n"; } # Finally, print up the date and the comments. print RECRUITER "Date: $date
\n"; print RECRUITER "Comments:
$form_data{'comments'}"; print RECRUITER "

\n\n"; } # If the line was not however, we should make sure to print # up the line so that we retain all of the HTML that was in the guestbook # before we added the entry. Thus, the very long FOR loop will go # through each line...it will print the header...and get all the way down # through whatever HTML you've written until it gets to the guestbook # entries which begin with a . It will then print the new # entry and then print out all the old entries as well...When it gets to # the end of the file, it's over. else { print RECRUITER $_; } } # Close up the guestbook. close (RECRUITER); ####################################################################### # Send Email Note to the Admin # ####################################################################### # Now prepare to email a note to the admin. Rename $form_data{'email'} # to $email_of_sender, and split up that email into its two components, # the username and the email server. Thus in dnobles@dnobles.com, dnobles # becomes username and dnobles.com becomes server. We are going to need # these values later when we send our email. $email_of_recruiter = "$form_data{'email'}"; # Now, if the admin has set the $mail to 1 (admin wants to be mailed when # someone enters a guestbook entry), then let's begin creating an email body. # We'll store the body in the variable $email_body and we will # continually append this variable by using .= if ($mail eq '1') { $email_body .= "You have a new entry in your guestbook:\n\n"; $email_body .= "------------------------------------------------------\n"; $email_body .= "Name: $form_data{'realname'}\n"; # If the recruiter actually submitted values, write them too. if ($form_data{'email'} ne "") { $email_body .="Email: <$form_data{'email'}>\n"; } if ($form_data{'url'} ne "") { $email_body .="URL: <$form_data{'url'}>\n"; } if ($form_data{'company'} ne "") { $email_body .= "Company: $form_data{'company'},"; } if ($form_data{'city'} ne "") { $email_body .= "Location: $form_data{'city'},"; } if ($form_data{'state'} ne "") { $email_body .= " $form_data{'state'}"; } if ($form_data{'country'} ne "") { $email_body .= " $form_data{'country'}\n"; } # Finish off the message body... $email_body .= "Time: $date\n\n"; $email_body .= "Comments: $form_data{'comments'}\n"; $email_body .= "------------------------------------------------------\n"; # Use the send_mail subroutine in the mail-lib.pl library file to send # the email to the admin. This routine takes 6 parameters, who is sending # the mail, the server of the sender, who it is being sent to and their # server, the subject and the body. &send_mail("$email_of_recruiter", "$recipient", "$email_subject", "$email_body"); } ########################################################################### # Send Thank You Email to the Recruiter # ########################################################################### # Now, if the admin has set $remote_mail equal to 1 and (&&) the recruiter has # actually submitted an email, we should email the recruiter a thank you note # also. The process is identical to the one above. if ($remote_mail eq '1' && $form_data{'email'} ne "") { $email_body = ""; $email_body .= <<" end_of_message_to_recruiter"; Thanks very much for stopping by my site and a special thank you for taking the time to sign my guestbook. I hope you found my resume informative. Please let other netizens know of the existence of my little corner of the net.. end_of_message_to_recruiter $email_body .= "\n"; $email_body .= " By the way, you wrote...\n\n"; $email_body .= " Name: $form_data{'realname'}\n"; if ($form_data{'email'} ne "") { $email_body .=" Email: <$form_data{'email'}>\n"; } if ($form_data{'url'} ne "") { $email_body .=" URL: <$form_data{'url'}>\n"; } if ($form_data{'company'} ne "") { $email_body .= " Company: $form_data{'city'},"; } if ($form_data{'city'} ne "") { $email_body .= " Location: $form_data{'city'},"; } if ($form_data{'state'} ne "") { $email_body .= " $form_data{'state'}"; } if ($form_data{'country'} ne "") { $email_body .= " $form_data{'country'}\n"; } $email_body .= " Time: $date\n\n"; $email_body .= " Comments: $form_data{'comments'}\n"; # Send off the email! &send_mail("$recipient", "$email_of_recruiter", "$email_subject", "$email_body"); } ######################################################################### # Send back an HTML Thank you to Recruiter # ######################################################################### # Now send the recruiter a thank you note on the web and provide her with a # way to get back to where she was before. print <<" end_of_html"; Thank You

Thank you for signing the Guestbook, $form_data{'realname'}

Your entry has now been added to the guestbook as follows...

end_of_html # Print out a copy of their submissions. if ($form_data{'url'} ne "") { print "Name:"; print "$form_data{'realname'}
"; } else { print "Name: $form_data{'realname'}
"; } if ( $form_data{'email'} ) { if ($linkmail eq '1') { print "Email: ("; print "$form_data{'email'})
"; } else { print "Email: ($form_data{'email'})
"; } } if ( $form_data{'company'} ) { print "$form_data{'company'},"; } print "Location: "; if ( $form_data{'city'} ) { print "$form_data{'city'},"; } if ( $form_data{'state'} ) { print " $form_data{'state'}"; } if ( $form_data{'country'} ){ print " $form_data{'country'}"; } print "
Time: $date

"; print "Comments: $form_data{'comments'}
\n"; print "

"; print "Back to the Guestbook\n"; print "- You may need to reload it when you get there to see your\n"; print "entry.\n"; print "\n"; exit; # Begin the subroutines... ####################################################################### # missing_required_field_data subroutine # ####################################################################### sub missing_required_field_data { # Assign the passed $variable parameter to the local variable $field local($field) = @_; # Now send the user an informative error message so that they can enter # the correct amount of information. print <<" end_of_html"; Data Entry Error
You forgot to fill out $field and I am not allowed to add your guestbook entry without it. Would you please type something something in below...
end_of_html # Now reprint out the add form with the subroutine output_add_form at the # end of this script. Then exit. &output_add_form; exit; } ####################################################################### # Output the Add Form # ####################################################################### sub output_add_form { # This is pretty much straight forward printing... print <<" end_of_html";
Your Name:

Back to the Main Page

end_of_html } ####################################################################### # get_date # ####################################################################### sub get_date { @days = ('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday', 'Friday','Saturday'); @months = ('January','February','March','April','May','June','July', 'August','September','October','November','December'); # Use the localtime command to get the current time, splitting it into # variables. ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); # Format the variables and assign them to the final $date variable. if ($hour < 10) { $hour = "0$hour"; } if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min"; } if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; } $date = "$days[$wday], $months[$mon] $mday, 19$year at $hour\:$min\:$sec"; }