In Construction!INTERNET General Info...

This page contains links to sites containing links to INTERNET search engines, information about getting your own domain. Every effort has been made to verify each link is active. If you find this isn't the case then drop me a note and I'll either delete the link or attempt to find the new location.

High Speed Host My own domain host. A great place to get your own domain with 300 MB for only $24.95. Tell them you saw it here!
World Wide Web FAQ
World Wide Web Security FAQ Discusses the security implications of running a Web server, as well as Web security from the browser's perspective.
The Other HTML FAQ This is an attempt to answer some of the more frequently asked questions in comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html.
JPEG FAQ Link to USENET JPEG FAQ (Parts 1 and 2)
Web Design Group's (WDG) general CGI programming FAQ
Access to Waite Group Online Catalog and Education Zone - Interactive Classes
Search Engines
SavvySearch A good multiple (17 site) search engine.
Good multiple search engine. Enter query once and seach Lycos, Webcrawler, Alta Vista, Yahoo and more all at once.

The Web Other Search Resources

Starting Point - a high-quality directory and search resource.
Matilda Dogpile Matilda International DogPile Search

Last Update: 09/12/1999
Web Author: David Nobles
Copyright ©1996-1999 by DWN Consulting, LLC - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED