In Construction!Native American Sites

These page contains links to those Native American or related sites that deal with issues I think are of importance to us all or that I have found interesting. This is my attempt to further an understanding and awareness of Native American issues and to point to some of the resources as I discover them. If you know of a site you feel is of particular interest or definitely should not be left out don't hesitate to contact me below. Any and all comments are welcome.

National Congress of American Indians The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) was founded in 1944 and is the oldest and largest national Indian organization. NCAI serves to protect the rights of Indian Nations and Native Governments, to enhance the quality of life of Indian and Native people, and to promote a better understanding among the general public about Indian and Native governments, people and rights. This web site is a part of NCAI's outreach efforts to both native people and the general public.
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs U.S. Senate Page
NAJA Native American Journalist Association
Spirit of the Land Foundation Spirits of the Land Foundation, a non-profit corporation, incorporated under the laws of the Sac and Fox Nation, Oklahoma, was established to "operate for charitable, scientific and educational purposes for the benefit of State or Federally recognized Indian Tribes, Bands and Nations and the members thereof and to support scientific research to benefit Humanity and the Planet Earth."
NARF Native American Rights Fund
The Native American Adventure The American Indian Heritage Foundation's world famous Native American site.
NABA Native American Business Alliance to facilitate mutually beneficial relationships between private and public businesses with Native American owned companies and educate the communities on Native American culture, paving the way for future generations.
Dedicated to disconnecting the term "Primitive" from perceptions of Native American Technology and Art.
Alliance for Native American Indian Rights A non-profit, intertribal organization dedicated to preserving and protecting Native American burial grounds and other culturally significant places.
Tribal Voice Check it out for something on the lighter side.


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AAA Matilda United States

Last Update: 10/12/99
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